New regulations establish how stray cats will be dealt with and controlled
Andorra la Vella - Source "Agència de Notícies Andorrana"
The Comus will be in charge of capturing and transporting the cats, either by their own means or through external companies. Private veterinary clinics will then test whether they have either feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency or feline coronavirus. The animals that show up positive for either of these illnesses will be euthanized. Those that show up negative will be sterilized. The cats will then be returned to the colony where they came from or to a new area if it is considered more appropriate. The associations for the protection of animals will be required to keep an inventory and control on the food as they are responsible for feeding the animals. The Department of Agriculture will be responsible for keeping control of the sanitary side of things and will finance this thanks to a collaboration agreement with the six private veterinary clinics. A pilot program will take place in the autumn so a calendar can be created starting in the winter and continuing throughout 2015 in order to do the first controls.