Govern assures that the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) with Spain will not include automatic exchan
Andorra la Vella - Source ""
Andorra’s Finance Minister, Jordi Cinca, has confirmed that there is a political will from Spain and Andorra to have the agreement to avoid double taxation ready soon and that the text could be finished before the end of the year. He actually pointed out that at present, there is agreement on 95% of the articles and that just a few points are still pending. He has also wanted to insist that it will be similar to that signed with France and it will not include automatic exchange of fiscal information, that “it is not an issue in the standards” and that Spain “has not made it a requirement, therefore it is not on the table”.
December 03 - Cinca assures that the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) with Spain will be done in a question of days
Andorra la Vella - Source ""
The Minister indicated that the work on this will conclude in the next few weeks and at least before the end of the year. Cinca made this affirmation after insisting that the Cap de Govern (Prime Minister) will not call for the elections until the 2015 budget has been approved and the negotiation on the DTA has been finalized. Therefore, he has not wanted to confirm whether the next elections will be help on the 8th of March, such as was announced by the Diari d’Andorra this week.