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ActuaTech Foundation created to impulse technological projects and to consolidate Andorra as a “Smar

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The Govern, Andorra Telecom, FEDA and the University of Andorra have united to impulse the ActuaTech Foundation. Under this umbrella, the 4 entities will combine their knowledge; in order to impulse technological projects that could help the country prosper and consolidate it as a “Smart Country”. This has been made public by the Finance Minister, Jordi Cinca, and the General Secretary of Economic Diversification, Josep Maria Missé, in a press conference prior to the Consell de Ministres. The specific projects that will be worked upon will not be made public until in a few days time, however the two main routes have been specified: one is centered on mobility and the other in collecting as much information as possible to improve the fundamental public services.

Missé has explained that the will is to bring together the “two technological references in the country” and to put them in contact with the “knowledge of the University of Andorra”, in order to develop “projects of public interest for the implementation of new technologies, economic diversification and the improvement of quality of life of the people”.

On one hand, work will be focused on improving mobility in all senses and to “be able to undertake projects that will improve the experience for citizens as well as tourists”. In this context, from improvements in parking to how to best promote electric bicycles.

Furthermore, Missé stated that, even though Andorra Tech has been created from the public sector, the doors are open to the private sector becoming more involved and that certain companies could be able to participate in projects of their interest.

At present, the Foundation will only have these 4 founding patrons; the presidential role always being in the hands of the Govern and the vice-presidential role being rotated annually between the other entities. Both Missé and Cinca have made it clear that the creation of the Foundation will not require the hiring of any new employees and that it will run solely on the resources of the patrons, mainly Andorra Telecom and FEDA. The founding provision will be of 200.000 euros. Cinca, has emphasized the importance of uniting “the potential” of these entities in order to “compete on a global scale” in issues such as innovation and development. The Foundation will also be a legal tool that will be able to shine light on some of these projects.

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