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Obligation to prepare vehicles for snow and ice.

The Highway Code states that, from 1 November to 15 May, the vehicles must be prepared with special equipment such as snow chains or similar accessories, for driving in conditions of snow and ice. The agents of authority can impose economic sanctions foreseen in the Code and also immobilize vehicles, considering the snow or ice on the road and state or characteristics of the tires or the vehicle, "may reasonably represent a danger to traffic or traffic congestion factor. "

The General Council approved in January 2014, the Law 2/2014, of January 23, amending the Code of circulation, June 10, 1999, which introduced the obligation to take vehicles equipped for snow. Article 74.1 says that "it is mandatory for all motor vehicles, except motor vehicles with two or three wheels, to drive around with special equipment, such as winter tires or tire type M + S tires, nails, snow chains or similar accessories in situations where the road is fully or partially covered with snow or ice, and is required driving at a speed adapted to weather conditions at the time. "

SANCTIONS from 60 to 500 EURO / As for sanctions, the Highway Code sets different fines depending on the circumstances. No special equipment circulate in situations where the road is fully or partially snowy or icy sanctions, for vehicles with maximum authorized weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes, 180 euros and for vehicles with maximum authorized weight higher than 3.5 tons, 500 euros.

To be driving with snow chains or similar accessories when the road is clean of snow or ice shall be penalized with 60 euros.

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