MOUNTAIN AND TRAVEL CINEMA 2016 From 27/01/2016 to 31/03/2016
The 20th edition of this event offers 8 projections and a photograph display to enjoy the world in another dimension, until 31 March. Entrance free.
27 January. Petits Nòmades (Little Nomads; audiovisual in Catalan). Les Fontetes Theatre in La Massana, at9 p.m.
4 February. Sibèria. Escalada en gel a la frontera llunyana (Siberia. Ice climbing on the distant frontier; documentary in Catalan). Andorra National Auditorium, Ordino, at9 p.m.
10 February. Cartografies Ignotes. La guia del món per a persones forassenyadament inquietes (Unknown Cartographies. The world guide for spontaneously restless people; digital block in Catalan). Les Fontetes Theatre in La Massana, at9 p.m.
17 February. Run the History (documentary in Spanish). Les Fontetes Theatre in La Massana, at9 p.m.
18 February. Pan Aroma (documentary in Catalan). AndorraNational Auditorium in Ordino, at9 p.m.
3 March. Degrees North (Film, English original version subtitled in Spanish). AndorraNational Auditorium in Ordino, at9 p.m.
9 March. Del viatge en solitud a Solidarios sin Fronteras (From a lone voyage to Solidarity without Frontiers; audiovisual in Catalan). Les Fontetes Theatre in La Massana, at9 p.m.
31 March. Paddling to Alaska (documentary in Catalan). AndorraNational Auditorium in Ordino, at9 p.m.
From 27 January to 31 March. Photographic Exhibition by Joan Rovira and Elisabet Faura (Comapedrosa Park Interpretation Centre, Arinsal - la Massana).
More information: (+376) 878 173 and 736 900